Monday, December 27, 2010

Orange Citrus Pout

I took a trip to the MAC counter a few months ago.  I had come to remedy my makeup fix; it was time to add something new to the makeup box as well as refill those basic necessities.  As I mentally prepared my list,  I noticed one of the makeup artists with orange lipstick.  I didn't know what to think about her bold, punchy pout.  It could be received as an interesting and fun color or mistaken as "Girl, what were you thinking?".  I couldn't help but to stare at her obsessively.  So I finally bottled up the courage to ask for the color, trying it on couldn't be that bad.  I tried it on and.... LOVED IT!  It was the best thing I had purchased that day and I couldn't wait to wear.

Now, of course I knew my friends and family wouldn't be able to understand my wacky purchase decision because they don't understand my attention getting fashion.  However, I don't care.  I am a trend setter.  I am always taking my fashion to the next level.  That's why I am not surprised to see the color orange on the runway as well as models in the magazines with orange lipstick.  Gotta love risk-taking that ends in your favor!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Designer Spotlight: Brian Lichtenberg

Photo by Elias Tahan

Oh, how I adore Brian Lichtenberg.  I was a fan before I knew I was a fan.  I have seen trendy celebs such as Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, and Lady Gaga in his clothing.  My goodness, he designed Lady Gaga's crime scene outfit for the video "Telephone" and Beyonce's leotard in "Single Ladies" video.   His designs  are a phenomenon wanting to be dissected.  His clothes are unconventionally chic and futuristically playful, inheriting the likes of the great Alexander McQueen and Herve Leger.  I like him more after discovering that his favorite decades of fashion are the 70's through 90's-- Me too!  I can truly see where he gets his inspiration from, and I am excited about seeing forthcoming collections.

P.S. He has also collaborated with one of my favorite retailers--Forever 21 to create an exclusive T-shirt collection.  This guy is amazing!

Photos are courtesty of,, Style Spot and Celebrity Inspired

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Evolution of Men's Fashion

Men's fashion has evolved to a fashion-forward entity, infused with color and design. There was definitely a moment when men's fashion was dull with basic pants, shirts, and blazers.  Men were dressed like politicians and preachers on their best day, and like a hobo on their worst.  However, a transitional period has happened. Eureka!  Could it be the advocacy of gay rights? Or the influx of men being passionate about dressing? Kanye West has let it be known that he is a "man of fashion".   I have noticed men's silhouettes are akin to women's contour; men's pants and shirts have become tighter, meanwhile sparing no color or texture.  I don't know what has changed the game of what to wear and what not to wear for men-- but, I really enjoy watching men's fashion evolve.  Yay, men!  I can finally enjoy shopping for you.

Photos: courtesy of

Friday, September 10, 2010

Whoop Whoop!

Today is the beginning of a huge extravaganza-- Fashion Night Out. It started in New York by Vogue magazine to stimulate the economy and boost sales for retailers. The results were remarkable. It was epic and dreamy for the shoppers to have a night of splurging on fashion obsessions-- and mingling with celebrity designers. Now, Los Angeles wants a piece of the action. With huge financial issues, Los Angeles really needs this! *exhaling* Yes, really!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Who's That Dude?

Is that--is that who I think it is? OMG, that's Lady Gaga dressed like a man!

This diva definitely knows how to push the envelope. Forget about the rumors of her supposedly being a hermaphrodite, she toys with the idea and publicize it.

I hate to admit this but she's not a bad looking guy. These photos have a GQ flavor to it.

What am I gonna do?

Everyone is going back to school. Ugh.. What am I going to do with myself? I am accustomed to school keeping me busy but now, most of my time is spent online. BORING! What I need is a job. As a new college graduate, I have yet to find one. This economy has really taken a toll on the job market because I was really certain that once I’ve completed my bachelor’s I would land a job in minutes. Realistically, it doesn’t work that way and my fantasy had faded instantly.

Getting a job would make things more simple in my life. It would, uh... fix the problems of keeping me busy, making money--Oh, and my impulsion to shop and play dress up. I want to wear the fabulous clothes that are classified as work appropriate. I am not talking about clothing from the 80’s with boxy suit jackets and pleated-front pants, but sophisticated yet whimsical pieces. I was looking at the fashions for fall 2010, and I desperately want all of the collections from Armani and Chanel. I love the juxtaposition of contemporary and modern as well as femininity and provocative.

Photos are courtesy of

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Elle's Cover Girl

My girl, Rihanna is a true inspiration to the title of my blog, "Unconventionally Chic". Since her breakthrough in the entertainment business, she has proven that rules are truly meant to be broken. I've watched this girl transform from Barbados sweetheart to a trend-setting songtress. Her style is so pretentious and risqué: my kind of fashion.

Check out July's issue which discusses Ri Ri's childhood, latest album, and new man. The girl has really rebounded from a tragic situation.

Photos: Courtesy of Elle